William Wolfram
I started my first company at the age of 12 building computers for friends and family. At 15 I dropped out of school and launched DealDash. DealDash has become in my opinion the most Customer centric company in the world and a popular inventory liquidation channel that was the first to offer a risk free “Buy it Now and get your bids back” option which removed the risk from traditional penny auctions. Everyone at DealDash, regardless of role talks to Customers frequently, and over 90% of our sales come from repeat buyers. On average it takes us over 100 days to make a profit from a Customer, meaning the business is set up in a way where we only make money if the Customer experience is great and the Customer stays around! I served as DealDash CEO until 2016. I moved to Hong Kong in 2016 and have since been helping some amazing young entrepreneurs start and fund their new businesses including my role as CEO of fail ventures (fail.vc). In 2013 I was lucky enough to win the EY World Entrepreneur of the Year National Prize for Finland. And in 2016, I impressed my old teachers by successfully graduating from the Harvard Business School’s 3-year OPM (exec. ed) program, as the youngest graduate to come from the program. My day to day work is mainly focused on helping venture builders launch their new businesses and step in to do grunt work wherever I can be helpful. In my spare time I enjoy hiking and reading.